BRL Operation Role

Operation assistant role help with customer services and collect feedback from customer

Role: Zazu

Zazu OTC Support

This Zazu trusted by BRL community and provide OTC service: gateway to enter cryptocurrency market

Zazu Service Support

This Zazu help with payment for PREMIUM LABS, relate to promotion or BRL partnership to entire member


Timon play a role of a moderator to support governance, expertise member to support BRL community, to create a friendly, active atmosphere. Timon is friendly, hunger for knowledge and their top priority is to help BRL community.

How to be Timon?

You are the one who truly understand BRL core value

You are controversial, hunger for knowledge and actively contribute to everybody.

You are friendly and ready to help BRL community


Pumbaa acts as a Cheerleader with governance and expertise member of BRL to support the community, help create a vibrant atmosphere inside the community. Pumbaa are funny, enthusiastic, open-minded and always aiming to help members in BRL.

How to be Pumbaa?

COnly by engage actively, Timon team will recommend governance team of BRL to give you certain benefit in the labs

Last updated